SAIT earns record fifth CCAA Community Service Award

SAIT earns record fifth CCAA Community Service Award

The Trojan Outreach Program has earned SAIT a record fifth Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association Community Service Award.

Wade Kolmel, Athletics and Recreation Director at SAIT, accepted the award this evening at the CCAA’s Hall of Fame Banquet in Abbotsford, BC.

The Community Service Award recognizes a CCAA member institution that has successfully developed and administered a community relations program.

SAIT’s Trojan Outreach Program: 100 Athletes, 100 Projects, SAIT 100 supported 100 community citizenship activities from May 2016 to May 2017 in an active way to celebrate the institution’s 100-year centennial anniversary.

“This initiative was nothing short of amazing; the coordination, effort and tracking was mind-boggling,” said David Munro, CCAA VP Sport Development. “There is no doubt SAIT has once again established the gold standard for community involvement and engagement and is fully deserving of this award.”

The Trojan Outreach Program has an award-winning history and has been a key value with the Trojans for more than a decade. In addition to previously winning the CCAA Community Service Award in 2004, 2007, 2013 and 2015, the Trojans were recognized in October 2016 with a True Imagination award by the Lieutenant Governor’s Circle for Mental Health and Addiction.  

With 100 Athletes, 100 Projects, SAIT 100, community citizenship was permeated into all aspects of the athletics season and became more student-athlete driven than ever before. The initiatives ranged from fundraising to youth sports clinics to awareness campaigns.

With 100 activities accomplished, SAIT showcased the unique participation with a “By the Numbers” list, which included:

• 100 people on 100 spin bikes at the Make Some Noise for Mental Health launch at SAIT 

• 1,000 Trojans game tickets donated to KidsUpFront to be distributed to local not for profit organizations

• 57 Trojans student-athletes and staff walking around campus loudly promoting Make Some Noise during the annual mobile pep rally

• 500 emoji cookies baked by SAIT’s Baking and Pastry Arts students and distributed to promote Make Some Noise for Mental Health campaign

• $2,932 raised in fundraising efforts for Team Shan Breast Cancer, Kidsport, Canadian Cancer Society and Red Cross Wildfires Fund

• 490 youth taught by SAIT Trojans student-athletes at outreach sports clinics 

The SAIT Trojans value academic success, athletic excellence and community citizenship as their three key pillars. From coaches and staff to the student-athletes, giving back to the community and being involved in outreach is part of the culture at SAIT.

“SAIT has provided me with the opportunity to grow substantially on a personal level with all of the outreach programs that the athletics department allows me to be a part of,” said Roshell Organ, of the Trojans women’s soccer team.

Actively participating in the outreach program is one of the best commitments women’s volleyball player Hayli Hinchey has ever made.

“Being able to give back to the community is not only a great way to grow and experience personally, but to make a positive impact in the lives of others as well,” she said.